1.Alister E.McGrath著的A Life of John Calvin
2.B.Hall著的John Calvin
3.T.H.L.Parker著的Portrait of Calvin
4.Alexandre Ganoczy著的The Young Calvin
5.J.T.McNeill著的Life and Teaching of John Calvin
6.John Cadier著的Calvin et Saint Augustin
7.Lefferts A.Loetscher著的A Brief History of The Presbyterians
8.H.Eells著的Martin Bucer and the Conversionof John Calvin
9.J.T.Hoogstra著的John Calvin,ContemporaryProphet
10.E.Mulhaupt著的 Luther and Calvin
11.R.S.Wallace著的Calvin,Geneva and R-eformation
12.Andrew Miller著的Miller’s Church History
13.R.N.Carew Hunt著的John Calvin
14.Theodore Beza著的Life of Calvin
15.G.R.Potter和M.Greengrass合著的John Calvin