1.Joseph Dalmus著的The Prosecution of John Wyclyf
2.K.B.McFarlane著的John Wycliffe and the Biginning of English Nonconformity
3.George Trevelyan著的England in the Age of Wycliffe
4.Margaret Deanesly著的The Lollard Bible
5.G.H.W.Parker著的The Morning Star
6.John Stacey著的John Wyclif
7.Gotthard Lechler著的John Wycliffe and His English Precursors
8.Douglas Wood著的The Evangelical Doctor
9.David Fountain著的The Dawn of the Reformation
10.George Cowan著的Bible Translation since John Wycliffe
11.John Broome著的Wycliffe and Huss
12.Webb Le Bas著的Life of Wycliffe
13.John Foxe著的The Book of Martyrs